A domino is a small rectangular game piece that has anywhere from 0 to 6 dots. Dominoes are used in a variety of games, and they can be stood up to create impressive-looking structures. When a domino is knocked down, it can cause hundreds or even thousands of others to fall in a beautiful cascade of rhythmic motion. This sequence of events is known as the domino effect, and it can be used to describe any action that causes others in a similar way. Dominoes are an interesting example of the domino effect because they illustrate how simple actions can have complicated results.
Dominoes are commonly used to play games with numbers. Each domino is numbered on one end, and the other end features a suit (one of four suits: twos, threes, fives, and blanks). A player can only play a tile that matches the suit on both ends. The first player to play all of their tiles wins. Dominoes can also be used to create creative layout games, which can be played with a large number of players.
One of the most popular types of layout games involves matching sides of dominoes with equal values. This type of layout game can be used to create a long snake-line chain that runs the length of the table. The other main type of domino game involves scoring points or winning specific objectives in a series of steps. Many of these games require careful planning and strategic thinking to accomplish.
For many people, the most satisfying thing about domino is watching an intricately-designed setup fall into place. For Hevesh, who has created installations involving millions of dominoes, one physical phenomenon is key to creating these incredible designs: gravity. When a domino is standing upright, it stores potential energy, which can be released when it falls. When a domino falls, most of its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which can then push on the next domino.
Hevesh has worked on projects involving more than 300,000 dominoes, and she helped set the Guinness World Record for the largest domino layout in a circle: 76,017. Her creations take several nail-biting minutes to topple, but once they do, they are governed by the laws of physics.
While a domino can be made out of almost any material, traditional sets are usually constructed from bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, and dark hardwoods such as ebony. These materials add a rustic, classic look to the pieces, and they are generally heavier than polymer dominoes.
As a result, natural-material dominoes tend to be more durable and more expensive than their polymer counterparts. In addition, some people prefer the way that natural-material dominoes feel in their hands. Some people also find it easier to see the shape of a domino when it is made from wood or another natural material.